Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Mound o' Dirt is Back!

And it's a GOOD thing! I stopped by the site yesterday to see if there was any earth disturbance-we were told that they would be breaking ground this week but which day was a mystery. Much to my delight I noticed the bucket from an excavator sitting in our future front yard!  Progress! It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the excavating for the footers, foundations, etc was underway. I was, to put it mildly, excited. J got a text from me IN ALL CAPS about it. He told me to quit yelling but was duly excited as well. Apparently I did make a serious faux pas in his eyes in that I didn't walk across the mud to see how deep they had dug. In my defense, I was wearing a long skirt and dress shoes-not exactly site visit apparel. My safety team would not have been impressed so I stayed on paved surfaces.

Today it's pouring (love awesome Pittsburgh weather...at least it's not sleeting) so I doubt there will be any progress. But let the real fun begin!
I always wanted an excavator bucket for a yard decoration!

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